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Declutter Your Life

Intentional Living

Declutter Your Soul

Decluttering your home is only one way to create meaningful life change. I believe that even more importantly, we need to declutter our souls, too…

October 17, 2023
Intentional Living

The Beginners Guide to Staying Focused

I believe that here’s a simple formula to predict how much progress you’ll make in achieving your goals. Simply take the amount of time you dedicate towards your goals, divide it by the number of goals you’re pursuing, and multiply by the length of time…

October 11, 2023
Intentional Living

Living With a Sense of Urgency

On the surface, so many of us feel our lives are too busy. We’re often stressed and overwhelmed and can’t find the time in our day for all the things we want to do…

September 13, 2023