Intentional Living

The Power of Gratitude: How to Cultivate an Attitude of Thankfulness

July 25, 2023

Created by Mike & Mollie. Subscribe to our blog.

I hate to admit that I don’t always focus on the good things in my life. I get used to them as a baseline, and then take them for granted. It’s the things I want but don’t have or the areas that could be better that get the bulk of my mental energy.

But slowly, with focused effort, I’m learning to apply the timeless wisdom of gratitude that I already know to be true: happiness = reality – expectations. 

As I continue on this journey, I want to share some thoughts and practical tips on how to cultivate a grateful attitude in your own heart, and a thankful spirit to go along with it. I’m confident that this advice can have a profound effect in your life, and in turn, overflow into the lives of those you love most.

The Science Behind Gratitude

Now, I’m convinced that the benefits of gratitude are eternal. We were made to be grateful, to be quick to give thanks, and not to live our lives in a constant state of envy. The fact that the research is catching up on this front only goes to confirm my belief. Recent studies have found that a daily gratitude habit can have an enduring positive impact on our mental health, happiness, and physical well-being.

One journal article, from 2003, looked at three different studies in which participants were asked to write down what they were grateful for on a weekly or daily basis. Consistently, those groups reported heightened well-being vs control groups across a number of dimensions. In another study, done ten years later, researchers found that an individual’s gratitude as measured in surveys was a very strong predictor of physical health.

We know gratitude is good for us. And we want to start enjoying the benefits of a transformed life. But how? Here are some practical tips to help you start cultivating this wonderful, yet underrated virtue:

Start a gratitude journal. One of the most time-tested ways of cultivating the gratitude habit is daily practice. Designate a certain time each day to write down a few things you are grateful for. These can be big or small. The key is to begin focusing your attention on the positive aspects of your life that you aren’t fully savoring.

If you feel grateful, say it. Too often we feel grateful for something someone did, or simply the kind of person they are, but we don’t tell them. Maybe we’re afraid it will come across as strange or weird in a world where such compliments are rare.  But deep down, most people treasure these words, and will remember them for a long time. Don’t neglect the urge to tell someone how you feel, I guarantee it’ll make their day. 

Be mindful of your blessings. Mindfulness and gratitude go hand in hand. There are likely dozens of good things in your life that you aren’t fully appreciating because you take them for granted. Two examples in my own life are good health and restful sleep. I never seem to realize their value until they are temporarily taken from me. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Don’t focus on the negatives. In a way, this tip is simply the inverse of gratitude. Gratitude is the art of noticing and savoring what is good in your life, and directing that thankfulness to someone. We have to avoid filling our mind with all the ways in which life isn’t exactly what we want it to be, or else this lens will become your default way of viewing every situation.

Volunteer your time and live generously. It might not seem obvious in today’s “everyone-for-themselves” world, but one of the surest ways to become happier and more grateful for your own life, is to invest more into the lives of others. Living generously and sharing your blessings has a way of shifting our perspectives so that the small inconveniences of life seem less important in comparison. 

Take pride in small victories. Ambition is a praiseworthy quality when it’s harnessed for good, but I’m worried when I see someone with this trait who is never satisfied with the present. They are so focused on the future, and see intent on great things, that they completely lose the ability to celebrate the small wins, and enjoy the journey along the way. Don’t be so sure you’ll be able to turn this off when you finally achieve your dreams.

The Lasting Impact of Gratitude

By embracing the practice of gratitude, you are not only building a better life for yourself, but you are improving the world around you. Don’t underestimate the impact that a single kind word or action can have on someone’s day or even their whole year. Grateful people are quick to notice the good in others and point it out. That’s the power of gratitude in action.

If gratitude came easy, you would already be doing it, but for many of us, it’s not our default way of thinking. We gravitate towards what’s bothering us, not what’s good. Thankfully, it’s never too late to change this. There’s no secret formula to becoming a more grateful person, and you don’t need permission from anyone to get started. Start your gratitude journey today, and enjoy the amazing benefits that can start in your own life and then ripple out to others.

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