Intentional Living

Simplify Your Life with These 5 Unconventional Strategies

August 13, 2024

Created by Mike & Mollie. Subscribe to our blog.

I’ll bet you’ve heard it all before: declutter your home, meditate daily, buy only what you need. You’re probably yawning just thinking about it. I get it. The whole “living simply” trend can feel like a broken record stuck on repeat. But here’s the thing—simple living isn’t a one-size-fits-all formula. It’s not just about minimalism or reducing your possessions to an almost monk-like level. It’s about redefining what simplicity means to you and embracing it in unexpected ways.

So, instead of giving you the same old advice, let’s flip the script. Here are five unique, even slightly contrarian ways to simplify your life that you likely haven’t considered.

1. Embrace Controlled Chaos

Yes, you read that right. Sometimes, the pursuit of order can be more stressful than the clutter itself. The constant pressure to organize everything—your closet, your schedule, your thoughts—can be suffocating. Instead, try leaning into the mess, but with a twist: controlled chaos. Let your workspace be messy, but limit it to one area. Allow a bit of disorganization in your life, but contain it.

This approach gives you the freedom to focus on what truly matters rather than micromanaging every aspect of your environment. The key is knowing when to draw the line. It’s not about giving up control but about choosing where to place it. You might find that a bit of disorder actually frees up mental space, leaving you more creative and less stressed.

2. Adopt a “No-Tech Day” Every Week

It sounds almost impossible in today’s hyper-connected world, but one day a week—24 hours with no screens—could change your life. Many of us fall into the trap of thinking that technology makes life simpler. Sure, it does in some ways, but the constant notifications, emails, and endless scrolling add layers of complexity and stress that we rarely acknowledge.

Start with just one day, preferably a weekend, where you disconnect completely. Spend that time doing things you enjoy, being fully present with the people around you, or just soaking up some solitude. The absence of digital distractions can bring a surprising sense of clarity and peace, simplifying your mental and emotional life in ways you didn’t expect.

3. Quit Trying to Be an Expert at Everything

In the age of DIY and endless online tutorials, the pressure to master everything from cooking to coding is intense. But here’s a liberating thought: you don’t need to be good at everything. Embrace the idea that some things are best left to the experts. By letting go of the need to do it all yourself, you simplify your life dramatically.

Think about the areas in your life where you’ve been overextending yourself. Maybe it’s time to outsource certain tasks—hire a cleaner, order meal kits, or delegate responsibilities at work. Focus on what you’re truly passionate about or skilled at, and let the rest fall away. Not only will this lighten your load, but it will also allow you to excel in the areas that matter most to you.

4. Rethink Your Relationships

One of the most challenging but effective ways to simplify your life is to take a hard look at your relationships. We often hold onto friendships or social obligations out of a sense of duty, habit, or guilt, even when they no longer serve us. But the reality is that maintaining too many superficial connections can drain your energy and clutter your emotional life.

It’s not about cutting people off abruptly but about re-evaluating the time and energy you invest in each relationship. Prioritize those that uplift and inspire you, and gently distance yourself from those that don’t. By curating your social circle, you create more space for meaningful interactions, which in turn simplifies your emotional world.

5. Stop Setting Long-Term Goals

Wait, what? Isn’t goal-setting supposed to simplify life by giving it direction? Well, yes and no. While having a vision for the future is important, long-term goals can sometimes add unnecessary pressure and complexity. The problem is that they often lead to rigid plans and expectations, making it hard to adapt when life throws you a curveball.

Instead, try living with shorter-term intentions—say, for the next month or even just a week. Focus on immediate, actionable steps that align with your values and current circumstances. This approach allows you to stay flexible, reduce anxiety about the future, and respond more fluidly to changes. It’s about living in the now, which can be the ultimate form of simplicity.

These strategies aren’t the typical advice you’d find in a simplicity manual, but that’s the point. Living simply isn’t about following a prescribed set of rules. It’s about finding what genuinely works for you, often in the most unexpected ways. Embrace a bit of chaos, disconnect from tech, let go of perfection, re-evaluate relationships, and ditch long-term goals. You might just discover that the path to simplicity is much more dynamic—and much more personal—than you ever imagined.

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