Intentional Living

Are You Focused on the Right Things?

September 12, 2024

Created by Mike & Mollie. Subscribe to our blog.

Are you focused on the right things?

It’s a question we all ask ourselves at some point, right? Life moves fast, and with all the distractions, it’s easy to feel like we’re missing something or stuck in a rut. Maybe you’re busy, but are you busy with the right stuff?

It’s not that all these pursuits are wrong, but they represent common patterns where driven people (like those who read blogs) can get off track. Sometimes, a simple shift in perspective, back to what really matters, can help us bring a sense of balance back into our lives.

1. Chasing the Future vs. Enjoying Today

We’re all taught to plan for the future — it’s drilled into us that we should be striving toward something big. But when we’re so focused on what’s next, we often miss what’s right in front of us. Are you constantly thinking about what’s coming instead of enjoying where you are? Try finding joy in the process, not just the outcome. Life doesn’t wait for your goals to be achieved; it’s happening right now.

2. Doing Too Much vs. Savoring What Matters

More doesn’t always mean better. We think that packing our schedules and doing a million things will somehow make life more fulfilling. But are you just adding more things to check off a list? Sometimes, less is more. Focusing on fewer, but more meaningful, activities or relationships can bring a deeper sense of satisfaction.

3. Perfection vs. Progress

How many times have you waited for the “right moment” to start something? Perfectionism tells us to hold off, to make sure everything’s flawless before we take the plunge. But guess what? That perfect moment rarely comes. Are you stuck waiting for ideal conditions? Taking imperfect action is always better than taking no action at all. Just start — you can refine as you go.

4. Seeking Approval vs. Staying True to Yourself

It’s human nature to want approval. We want to be liked, to fit in, to meet expectations. But when you start living for other people’s validation, you lose sight of your own needs and desires. Are you making decisions based on what you want, or what you think others want from you? The more you focus on what makes you happy, the less other people’s opinions will matter.

5. Avoiding Discomfort vs. Embracing Growth

Nobody likes discomfort, but avoiding it altogether can keep you stuck. Growth happens in those uncomfortable moments — when you face a challenge or step outside your comfort zone. Are you running away from what’s hard, hoping it’ll get easier on its own? Embrace the discomfort. It’s a sign that you’re stretching yourself and moving toward something better.

6. Constant Doing vs. Being Present

It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle of daily life — the to-do lists, the deadlines, the constant grind. But in the rush to get things done, are you forgetting to just be? Taking time to slow down and be present can help you connect with what’s really important. It’s not just about how much you accomplish, but how you feel and show up in each moment.

7. Consuming vs. Creating

In today’s world, it’s so easy to get lost in consuming — scrolling through social media, binge-watching shows, absorbing endless content. But are you spending more time consuming than creating? Whether it’s writing, cooking, building something, or even just having meaningful conversations, creation adds richness to life. Try shifting some of your energy from consuming to creating something of your own.

8. Clinging to Control vs. Letting Life Flow

We all want to feel in control of our lives, but the truth is, much of life is unpredictable. The more you try to control every detail, the more stressful life becomes. Are you gripping too tightly to how things should be? Learning to go with the flow, to adapt when things don’t go according to plan, can help you find more peace and happiness in the chaos.

9. Success as a Destination vs. Success as a Journey

We often think of success as something we’ll reach one day — like it’s waiting at the end of a long road. But success isn’t just a destination; it’s also the way you live your life every day. Are you so focused on achieving something big that you’re missing the little successes along the way? Redefine success to include the small victories, the moments when you’re aligned with your values and making progress, even if it’s incremental.

10. Escaping Life vs. Engaging with It

There’s no shortage of ways to avoid life’s challenges — from scrolling on your phone to zoning out in front of the TV. But are you spending more time escaping than facing what’s actually going on? Those moments you avoid, the difficult conversations or the uncomfortable feelings, are often the ones that lead to the biggest breakthroughs. Instead of running from them, lean in and see what happens.

11. Comparing Yourself to Others vs. Appreciating Your Own Journey

We live in a world where it’s so easy to compare ourselves to everyone else — especially with social media showing us all the highlight reels. But that constant comparison only leads to feeling inadequate. Are you measuring your success against someone else’s journey? Focus on your own path, your own growth. Everyone’s timeline is different, and what matters most is that you’re moving forward at your own pace.

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