Intentional Living

Uncommon Advice For Building Great Friendships

August 15, 2024

Created by Mike & Mollie. Subscribe to our blog.

Let’s be honest—modern relationships can feel transactional, even superficial at times. We’re inundated with advice on how to connect, yet meaningful relationships remain elusive for many. Maybe it’s because the usual advice falls short. It’s time to flip the script and explore some unexpected, even counterintuitive, ways to deepen our connections with others.

Here’s a guide to nurturing relationships in ways that might surprise you but are guaranteed to make a difference.

1. Share Your Unfiltered Thoughts (Respectfully)

In a world of curated social media profiles and guarded conversations, authenticity has become rare—and therefore, incredibly valuable. People are often afraid to share their true thoughts and feelings out of fear of judgment or rejection. But here’s the twist: vulnerability can be a fast track to forming deeper connections.

Sharing your unfiltered thoughts, especially in a respectful manner, breaks down walls. It signals that you trust the other person enough to be real with them. This doesn’t mean you should start oversharing or being brutally honest all the time. Instead, find moments where you can be more open than you usually would. The key is to do it in a way that invites dialogue rather than shuts it down. You’ll be surprised at how much others appreciate your candor and how it can lead to more meaningful exchanges.

2. Forget Reciprocity—Give Without Expectation

The idea of reciprocity is deeply ingrained in our social behavior. We’re taught that relationships are a give-and-take, and while there’s truth to that, it can also create a transactional mindset. Here’s an unconventional approach: give without expecting anything in return.

By removing the expectation of reciprocity, you free the relationship from being a scorecard of favors and gestures. Whether it’s your time, advice, or a helping hand, offer it simply because you want to, not because you expect something back. This type of generosity often encourages others to do the same, but even if it doesn’t, the connection becomes purer. Over time, this approach fosters deeper trust and affection because the relationship isn’t based on a balance sheet—it’s based on mutual respect and care.

3. Embrace Awkward Silence

We’ve all been there—caught in the grip of an awkward silence that makes us want to fill the air with anything, even meaningless chatter. But what if you didn’t? What if you just let the silence hang?

Allowing silence to exist in a conversation can actually deepen the relationship. It signals comfort and security; you’re okay with just being in the other person’s presence without the need to constantly entertain or be entertained. This can be especially powerful in close relationships. The next time you find yourself in an uncomfortable lull, resist the urge to fill it. See what happens when you allow the moment to simply be. Often, the most profound thoughts and emotions emerge in these spaces, leading to more meaningful conversations.

4. Prioritize Small Acts of Consistency Over Grand Gestures

Grand gestures are often celebrated in movies and social media, but they’re not the secret to building lasting connections. While big moments are memorable, it’s the small, consistent actions that truly matter in relationships.

Checking in regularly, remembering small details, or simply being reliable—these actions build a strong foundation over time. They show the other person that you’re committed and that they matter to you on a day-to-day basis, not just in special circumstances. Ironically, it’s the less glamorous, often overlooked moments that weave the strongest bonds. Prioritize consistency and you’ll find that your relationships deepen in a more authentic and sustainable way.

5. Show Up for the Boring Stuff

Everyone loves a good time, but showing up for someone when things are dull, tedious, or just plain boring is where real connection happens. Whether it’s helping a friend move, attending a routine doctor’s appointment with a loved one, or even just being there for a mundane task like grocery shopping—these moments are where true friendships are solidified.

When you show up for the less glamorous parts of life, you’re telling the other person that you value them beyond just the fun and exciting moments. This kind of support builds a strong emotional bank account that both of you can draw from during harder times. And often, it’s during these “boring” moments that the most genuine and heartfelt conversations occur.

6. Allow the Relationship to Evolve Without Forced Definitions

We often feel the need to label and define our relationships—friend, best friend, partner, colleague. But what if we let the relationship evolve without trying to box it into a category?

By releasing the need to label, you allow the relationship to grow naturally, at its own pace. It might develop into something deeper than you initially expected, or it may remain casual yet meaningful. When you stop trying to define the relationship too early, you remove pressure and let it become what it’s meant to be. This approach can lead to richer, more dynamic connections that don’t fit neatly into predefined boxes but are fulfilling in their own unique ways.

7. Be Willing to Walk Away

This may sound counterintuitive, but being willing to walk away from a relationship can actually strengthen it. Sometimes, we cling to connections that aren’t healthy or fulfilling simply because we fear loneliness or change. However, when you’re willing to walk away, it signals that you value your own well-being and integrity.

This doesn’t mean you should leave at the first sign of trouble, but rather that you should know your own boundaries and limits. Being clear about what you need and what you won’t tolerate can inspire respect and mutual understanding in the relationship. It sets a precedent for honesty and trust, making the connection more meaningful because it’s based on mutual respect, not dependency.

Building meaningful relationships doesn’t have to follow the usual script. Sometimes, it’s the unexpected, the seemingly small or counterintuitive actions, that create the deepest bonds. When you approach relationships with a willingness to be authentic, give freely, and embrace the quiet moments, you’ll find that the connections you build are not only meaningful but also enduring.

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