Simple Living

Life’s Free Pleasures

April 22, 2021

Created by Mike & Mollie. Subscribe to our blog.

I went outside this afternoon to sit and work at the picnic table in our backyard. It turned out to be the perfect spring day— cool air, warm sun, birds chirping, and the sound of a distant neighbor mowing.

As I expressed my gratitude for the unexpected moment of pleasure, a thought occurred to me:

I could achieve everything I hope to accomplish in life and triple my income, but I would not be able to squeeze a single drop more of pleasure from a moment like this.

Of course, this thought wasn’t entirely new to me, I was taught some version of it from a very young age. But today it hit me in a powerful and unexpected way. Today I felt the full weight of it’s truth. 

I began to think about and write down all of the things I love most about life that are free, and felt a wave of contentment pass over me as it became clear how rich I am (how rich all of us are if we have eyes to see it). There’s nothing like rediscovering this fact and realizing how little you actually need to be happy.

I don’t want to forget this feeling. I know the truth, but the feeling… it comes and goes. Today it came in a big way. 

Sometimes I think pursuing the “good life” is nothing more than training my emotions (my feelings) to come into alignment with life’s deep truths. Writing is one way I do this, and so for the sake of my future self and for any readers of this blog, please enjoy this list of some of my favorite things in life that are free.

30 free things to enjoy

  1. The warmth of the sun on your skin
  2. The sound of birds chirping in spring
  3. The satisfaction of finishing your day’s work
  4. People watching in a park
  5. The way it smells after a summer rain
  6. Taking a slow, meandering walk
  7. Reading a novel that takes you to another time and place (free at the library)
  8. The sights and sounds of the changing seasons
  9. A cold glass of water to quench a big thirst
  10. A long hug from a close friend or family member
  11. The smell of a baby’s skin
  12. The smell of freshly cut grass
  13. The sound of your friends laughing
  14. The sound of a wood bat hitting a baseball
  15. A landscape of green rolling hills
  16. A good conversation
  17. Watching kids play (especially when they don’t know you’re watching)
  18. The sound of crickets chirping on a summer evening
  19. A quiet morning and a colorful sunrise
  20. The stillness of snowfall
  21. The feeling of cold creek water on your feet
  22. Daydreaming or relaxing with your own thoughts
  23. Rays of sun coming through the window
  24. The sound of leaves crunching in autumn
  25. Enjoying the specific architecture of a nearby town or city
  26. The smell of a wood fire
  27. Learning something new
  28. Hanging out with friends
  29. Listening to a favorite song
  30. Meditating on what is wise and true 

I think this list of free things is more than enough raw material for a whole lifetime worth of happiness. Instead of chasing after more and more of what you don’t have and don’t necessarily need, you could spend that time becoming a connoisseur of life’s free pleasures.

Not only will this mindset shift lead to more gratitude (and likely a more generous spirit), you’ll be stepping off the treadmill of constantly raising your standard of enjoyment. You’ll find it takes less and less to make you content and even the simplest of pleasures will leave you in awe.

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